Sunday, October 26, 2008

Naam : Recite name of Almighty

nwmu ibswir kry rs Bog ]
naam bisaar karae ras bhog ||
One who forgets the Naam and indulges in pleasures,

suKu supnY nhI qn mih rog ]3]
sukh supanai nehee than mehi rog ||3||
shall find no peace, even in dreams; his body shall become diseased. ||3||


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 240

Saturday, October 25, 2008

He is Supreme

ijsu qU rwKih iqsu kaunu mwrY ]
jis thoo raakhehi this koun maarai ||
Who can kill that person whom You protect, O Lord?

sB quJ hI AMqir sgl sMswrY ]
sabh thujh hee a(n)thar sagal sa(n)saarai ||
All beings, and the entire universe, is within You.

Mere Mortal : I feel sorry for him.

koit aupwv icqvq hY pRwxI ]
kott oupaav chithavath hai praanee ||
The mortal thinks up millions of plans,

so hovY ij krY coj ivfwxI ]1]
so hovai j karai choj viddaanee ||1||
but that alone happens, which the Lord of wondrous plays does. ||1||

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bhairao on Pannaa 1139

Khalsa Ji, Welcome

Khalsa Ji, Welcome