Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Name Of Lord

Tears well up in my eyes,
my body has become weak,
and my hair has become milky-white.
My throat is tight,
and I cannot utter even one word;
what can I do now?
I am a mere mortal. || 1 ||
O Lord, my King,
Gardener of the world-garden,
be my Physician,
and save me, Your Saint. || 1 || Pause ||
My head aches,
my body is burning,
and my heart is filled with anguish.
Such is the disease that has struck me;
there is no medicine to cure it. || 2 ||
The Name of the Lord,
the ambrosial, immaculate water,
is the best medicine in the world.
By Guru's Grace, says servant Bheekhan,
I have found the Door of Salvation. || 3 || 1 ||



nYnhu nIru bhY qnu KInw Bey kys duD vwnI ]
rUDw kMTu sbdu nhI aucrY Ab ikAw krih prwnI ]1]
rwm rwie hoih bYd bnvwrI ]
Apny sMqh lyhu aubwrI ]1] rhwau ]
mwQy pIr srIir jlin hY krk kryjy mwhI ]
AYsI bydn aupij KrI BeI vw kw AauKDu nwhI ]2]
hir kw nwmu AMimRq jlu inrmlu iehu AauKDu jig swrw ]
gur prswid khY jnu BIKnu pwvau moK duAwrw]3]1]



Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Almighty

He Himself is True, and all that He has made is True.
The entire creation came from God.
As it pleases Him, He creates the expanse.
As it pleases Him, He becomes the One and Only again.
His powers are so numerous, they cannot be known.
As it pleases Him, He merges us into Himself again.
Who is near, and who is far away?
He Himself is Himself pervading everywhere.
One whom God causes to know that He is within the heart
- O Nanak, He causes that person to understand Him. ||5||

aap sath keeaa sabh sath ||
is prabh thae sagalee ou
thapath ||
is bhaavai thaa karae bisathhaa
r ||
is bhaavai thaa eaeka(n)kaa
r ||
ik kalaa lakhee neh jaa
e ||
jis bhaavai this leae milaa
e ||
kavan n
ikatt kavan keheeai dhoo
r ||
aapae aap aap bharapoo
r ||
a(n)tharagath j
is aap janaaeae
aanak this jan aap bujhaaeae ||5||


Awip siq kIAw sBu siq ]
iqsu pRB qy sglI auqpiq ]
iqsu BwvY qw kry ibsQwru ]
iqsu BwvY qw eykMkwru ]
Aink klw lKI nh jwie ]
ijsu BwvY iqsu ley imlwie ]
kvn inkit kvn khIAY dUir ]
Awpy Awip Awp BrpUir ]
AMqrgiq ijsu Awip jnwey ]
nwnk iqsu jn Awip buJwey ]5]
 This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 294


Saturday, March 21, 2009


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Khalsa Ji, Welcome

Khalsa Ji, Welcome