Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who is our friend in this world?

Jaitsree, Fifth Mehla, Third House:
One Universal Creator God.

By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Does anyone know,

who is our friend in this world?

He alone understands this,

whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy.

Immaculate and unstained is his way of life. 1Pause

Mother, father,

spouse, children,

relatives, lovers,

friends and siblings meet,

having been associated in previous lives;

but none of them will be your companion

and support in the end. 1

Pearl necklaces, gold,

rubies and diamonds please the mind,

but they are only Maya.
Possessing them,

one passes his life in agony;

he obtains no contentment from them. 2

Elephants, chariots,

horses as fast as the wind,

wealth, land, and armies of four kinds
- none of these will go with him;

he must get up and depart, naked. 3

The Lord's Saints are the

beloved lovers of God;

sing of the Lord, Har, Har, with them.
O Nanak, in the Society of the Saints,

you shall obtain peace in this world,

and in the next world,

your face shall be radiant and bright. 41

jYqsrI mhlw 5 Gru 3
<> siqgur pRswid ]
koeI jwnY kvnu eIhw jig mIqu ]
ijsu hoie ik®pwlu soeI ibiD bUJY qw kI inrml rIiq ]1] rhwau ]
mwq ipqw binqw suq bMDp iest mIq Aru BweI ] pUrb jnm ky imly sMjogI AMqih ko n shweI ]1]
mukiq mwl kink lwl hIrw mn rMjn kI mwieAw ]
hw hw krq ibhwnI AvDih qw mih sMqoKu n pwieAw ]2]
hsiq rQ AsÍ pvn qyj DxI BUmn cqurWgw ]
sMig n cwilE ien mih kCUAY aUiT isDwieE nWgw ]3]
hir ky sMq ipRA pRIqm pRB ky qw kY hir hir gweIAY ]
nwnk eIhw suKu AwgY muK aUjl sMig sMqn kY pweIAY ]4]1]

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Jaithsree on Pannaa 700

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Chanting the Naam

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Siree Raag on Pannaa 46

Siree Raag, Fifth Mehla:
Meeting the True Guru, all my sufferings have ended,

and the Peace of the Lord has come to dwell within my mind.
The Divine Light illuminates my inner being,

and I am lovingly absorbed in the One.
Meeting with the Holy Saint,

my face is radiant;

I have realized my pre-ordained destiny.
I constantly sing the Glories of the Lord of the Universe.

Through the True Name, I have become spotlessly pure. 1
O my mind, you shall find peace through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Working for the Perfect Guru, no one goes away empty-handed. 1Pause
The desires of the mind are fulfilled,

when the Treasure of the Naam,

the Name of the Lord, is obtained.
The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts,

is always with you; recognize Him as the Creator.
By Guru's Grace, your face shall be radiant.

Chanting the Naam,

you shall receive the benefits of giving charity

and taking cleansing baths.
Sexual desire, anger and greed are eliminated,

and all egotistical pride is abandoned. 2
The Profit of the Naam is obtained,

and all affairs are brought to fruition.
In His Mercy, God unites us with Himself,

and He blesses us with the Naam.
My comings and goings in reincarnation have come to an end;

He Himself has bestowed His Mercy.
I have obtained my home in the True Mansion of His Presence,

realizing the Word of the Guru's Shabad. 3
His humble devotees are protected and saved;

He Himself showers His Blessings upon us.
In this world and in the world hereafter,

radiant are the faces of those who cherish

and enshrine the Glories of the True Lord.
Twenty-four hours a day, they lovingly dwell

upon His Glories; they are imbued with His Infinite Love.
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to the

Supreme Lord God, the Ocean of Peace. 41181

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]
imil siqgur sBu duKu gieAw hir suKu visAw min Awie ]
AMqir joiq pRgwsIAw eyksu isau ilv lwie ]
imil swDU muKu aUjlw pUrib iliKAw pwie ]
gux goivMd inq gwvxy inrml swcY nwie ]1]
myry mn gur sbdI suKu hoie ]
gur pUry kI cwkrI ibrQw jwie n koie ]1] rhwau ]
mn kIAw ieCW pUrIAw pwieAw nwmu inDwnu ]
AMqrjwmI sdw sMig krxYhwru pCwnu ]
gur prswdI muKu aUjlw jip nwmu dwnu iesnwnu ]
kwmu k®oDu loBu ibnisAw qijAw sBu AiBmwnu ]2]
pwieAw lwhw lwBu nwmu pUrn hoey kwm ]
kir ikrpw pRiB myilAw dIAw Apxw nwmu ]
Awvx jwxw rih gieAw Awip hoAw imhrvwnu ]
scu mhlu Gru pwieAw gur kw sbdu pCwnu ]3]
Bgq jnw kau rwKdw AwpxI ikrpw Dwir ]
hliq pliq muK aUjly swcy ky gux swir ]
AwT phr gux swrdy rqy rMig Apwr ]
pwrbRhmu suK swgro nwnk sd bilhwr ]4]11]81]

Saturday, August 23, 2008

What is there for me to fear? Your Name is my only strength.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 382

Aasaa, Fifth Mehla:
Since You are my Lord and Master,
what is there for me to fear?
Other than You, who else should I praise?
You are the One and only,

and so do all things exist;
without You, there is nothing at all for me. 1
O Father, I have seen that the world is poison.
Save me, O Lord of the Universe!

Your Name is my only Support. 1Pause
You know completely the condition of my mind;

who else could I go to tell of it?
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord,

the whole world has gone crazy;
obtaining the Naam, it finds peace. 2
What shall I say?

Unto whom shall I speak?
What I have to say, I say to God.
Everything which exists was created by You.

You are my hope, forever and ever. 3
If you bestow greatness,

then it is Your greatness;
here and hereafter, I meditate on You.
The Lord God of Nanak is forever the Giver of peace;

Your Name is my only strength. 4i7i46.
Awsw mhlw 5 ]
jw qUM swihbu qw Bau kyhw hau quDu ibnu iksu swlwhI ]
eyku qUM qw sBu ikCu hY mY quDu ibnu dUjw nwhI ]1]
bwbw ibKu dyiKAw sMswru ]
riKAw krhu gusweI myry mY nwmu qyrw AwDwru ]1] rhwau ]
jwxih ibrQw sBw mn kI horu iksu pih AwiK suxweIAY ]
ivxu nwvY sBu jgu baurwieAw nwmu imlY suKu pweIAY ]2]
ikAw khIAY iksu AwiK suxweIAY ij khxw su pRB jI pwis ]
sBu ikCu kIqw qyrw vrqY sdw sdw qyrI Aws ]3]
jy dyih vifAweI qw qyrI vifAweI ieq auq quJih iDAwau ]
nwnk ky pRB sdw suKdwqy mY qwxu qyrw ieku nwau ]4]7]46]

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The wind merges into the wind.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 885

rwmklI mhlw 5 ]
pvnY mih pvnu smwieAw ]
joqI mih joiq ril jwieAw ]
mwtI mwtI hoeI eyk ]
rovnhwry kI kvn tyk ]1]
kaunu mUAw ry kaunu mUAw ]
bRhm igAwnI imil krhu bIcwrw iehu qau clqu BieAw ]1] rhwau ]
AglI ikCu Kbir n pweI ]
rovnhwru iB aUiT isDweI ]
Brm moh ky bWDy bMD ]
supnu BieAw BKlwey AMD ]2]
iehu qau rcnu ricAw krqwir ]
Awvq jwvq hukim Apwir ]
nh ko mUAw n mrxY jogu ]
nh ibnsY AibnwsI hogu ]3]
jo iehu jwxhu so iehu nwih ]
jwnxhwry kau bil jwau ]
khu nwnk guir Brmu cukwieAw ]
nw koeI mrY n AwvY jwieAw ]4]10]

Raamkalee, Fifth Mehla:
The wind merges into the wind.
The light blends into the light.
The dust becomes one with the dust.
What support is there for the one who is lamenting? 1
Who has died? O, who has died?
O God-realized beings, meet together and consider this. What a wondrous thing has happened! 1Pause
No one knows what happens after death.
The one who is lamenting will also arise and depart.
Mortal beings are bound by the bonds of doubt and attachment.
When life becomes a dream, the blind man babbles and grieves in vain. 2
The Creator Lord created this creation.
It comes and goes, subject to the Will of the Infinite Lord.
No one dies; no one is capable of dying.
The soul does not perish; it is imperishable. 3
That which is known, does not exist.
I am a sacrifice to the one who knows this.
Says Nanak, the Guru has dispelled my doubt.
No one dies; no one comes or goes. 410

Khalsa Ji, Welcome

Khalsa Ji, Welcome