Tears well up in my eyes,
my body has become weak,
and my hair has become milky-white.
My throat is tight,
and I cannot utter even one word;
what can I do now?
I am a mere mortal. || 1 ||
O Lord, my King,
Gardener of the world-garden,
be my Physician,
and save me, Your Saint. || 1 || Pause ||
My head aches,
my body is burning,
and my heart is filled with anguish.
Such is the disease that has struck me;
there is no medicine to cure it. || 2 ||
The Name of the Lord,
the ambrosial, immaculate water,
is the best medicine in the world.
By Guru's Grace, says servant Bheekhan,
I have found the Door of Salvation. || 3 || 1 ||
nYnhu nIru bhY qnu KInw Bey kys duD vwnI ]
rUDw kMTu sbdu nhI aucrY Ab ikAw krih prwnI ]1]
rwm rwie hoih bYd bnvwrI ]
Apny sMqh lyhu aubwrI ]1] rhwau ]
mwQy pIr srIir jlin hY krk kryjy mwhI ]
AYsI bydn aupij KrI BeI vw kw AauKDu nwhI ]2]
hir kw nwmu AMimRq jlu inrmlu iehu AauKDu jig swrw ]
gur prswid khY jnu BIKnu pwvau moK duAwrw]3]1]