Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The wealth of the Lord's Name

Guru Amar Das ji

The wealth of the Lord's Name is immaculate,

and absolutely infinite.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad

is over-flowing with treasure.
Know that, except for the wealth of the Name,

all other wealth is poison.
The egotistical people are burning in their attachment to Maya. 1
How rare is that Gurmukh

who tastes the sublime essence of the Lord.
He is always in bliss,

day and night;

through perfect good destiny,

he obtains the Name. Pause

har naam dhhan niramal ath apaaraa
gur kai sabadh bharae bha(n)ddaaraa
naam dhhan bin hor sabh bikh jaan
maaeiaa mohi jalai abhimaan 1
guramukh har ras chaakhai koe
this sadhaa ana(n)dh hovai dhin raathee

poorai bhaag paraapath hoe rehaao

hir nwmu Dnu inrmlu Aiq Apwrw ]
gur kY sbid Bry BMfwrw ]
nwm Dn ibnu hor sB ibKu jwxu ]
mwieAw moih jlY AiBmwnu ]1]
gurmuiK hir rsu cwKY koie ]
iqsu sdw Anµdu hovY idnu rwqI

pUrY Bwig prwpiq hoie ] rhwau ]

This Shabad is by Guru Amar Daas Ji

in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 664

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Lord

You are the Giver, O Lord, O Cherisher,

my Master, my Husband Lord.
Each and every moment,

You cherish and nurture me;

I am Your child, and I rely upon You alone. 1
I have only one tongue –

which of Your Glorious Virtues can I describe?
Unlimited, infinite Lord and Master –

no one knows Your limits. 1Pause
You destroy millions of my sins,

and teach me in so many ways.
I am so ignorant - I understand nothing at all.

Please honor Your innate nature, and save me! 2
I seek Your Sanctuary - You are my only hope.

You are my companion, and my best friend.
Save me, O Merciful Saviour Lord;

Nanak is the slave of Your home. 312

thum dhaathae t(h)aakur prathipaalak naaeik khasam hamaarae
nimakh nimakh thum hee prathipaalahu ham baarik thumarae dhhaarae 1
jihavaa eaek kavan gun keheeai
baesumaar baea(n)th suaamee thaero a(n)th n kin hee leheeai 1 rehaao
kott paraadhh hamaarae kha(n)ddahu anik bidhhee samajhaavahu
ham agiaan alap math thhoree thum aapan biradh rakhaavahu 2
thumaree saran thumaaree aasaa thum hee sajan suhaelae
raakhahu raakhanehaar dhaeiaalaa naanak ghar kae golae 312

qum dwqy Twkur pRiqpwlk nwiek Ksm hmwry ]
inmK inmK qum hI pRiqpwlhu hm bwirk qumry Dwry ]1]
ijhvw eyk kvn gun khIAY ]
bysumwr byAMq suAwmI qyro AMqu n ikn hI lhIAY ]1] rhwau ]
koit prwD hmwry KMfhu Aink ibDI smJwvhu ]
hm AigAwn Alp miq QorI qum Awpn ibrdu rKwvhu ]2]
qumrI srix qumwrI Awsw qum hI sjn suhyly ]
rwKhu rwKnhwr dieAwlw nwnk Gr ky goly ]3]12]

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 673

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Worldly Pleasures: Beware of them.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji

Without the Lord, nothing is of any use.
You are totally attached to that Enticer Maya;

she is enticing you. 1Pause

You shall have to leave behind your gold,

your woman and your beautiful bed;

you shall have to depart in an instant.
You are entangled in the lures of sexual pleasures,

and you are eating poisonous drugs. 1

You have built and adorned a palace of straw,

and under it, you light a fire.
Sitting all puffed-up in such a castle,

you stubborn-minded fool,

what do you think you will gain? 2

The five thieves stand over your head and seize you.

Grabbing you by your hair, they will drive you on.
You do not see them,

you blind and ignorant fool;

intoxicated with ego,

you just keep sleeping. 3

The net has been spread out,

and the bait has been scattered;

like a bird, you are being trapped.
Says Nanak, my bonds have been broken;

I meditate on the True Guru, the Primal Being. 4288

bin har kaam n aavath hae
aa sio raach maach thumh laagae ouh mohanee mohaavath hae 1 rehaao
ik kaaminee saej sohanee shhodd khinai mehi jaavath hae
urajh rehiou ei(n)dhree ras praeriou bikhai t(h)agouree khaavath hae 1
in ko ma(n)dhar saaj savaariou paavak thalai jaraavath hae
aisae garr mehi ait(h) hat(h)eelo fool fool kiaa paavath hae 2
pa(n)ch dh
ooth moodd par t(h)aadtae kaes gehae faeraavath hae
isatt n aavehi a(n)dhh agiaanee soe rehiou madh maavath hae 3
aal pasaar chog bisathhaaree pa(n)khee jio faahaavath hae
u naanak ba(n)dhhan kaattan ko mai sathigur purakh dhhiaavath hae 4288

ibnu hir kwim n Awvq hy ]
jw isau rwic mwic qum@ lwgy Eh mohnI mohwvq hy ]1] rhwau ]
kink kwimnI syj sohnI Coif iKnY mih jwvq hy ]
auriJ rihE ieMdRI rs pRyirE ibKY TgaurI Kwvq hy ]1]
iqRx ko mMdru swij svwirE pwvku qlY jrwvq hy ]
AYsy gV mih AYiT hTIlo PUil PUil ikAw pwvq hy ]2]
pMc dUq mUf pir TwFy kys ghy Pyrwvq hy ]
idRsit n Awvih AMD AigAwnI soie rihE md mwvq hy ]3]
jwlu pswir cog ibsQwrI pMKI ijau Pwhwvq hy ]
khu nwnk bMDn kwtn kau mY siqguru purKu iDAwvq hy ]4]2]88]

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 821

Friday, April 17, 2009

Me:Slave of Maya

O my Lord and Master, I know nothing.
My mind has sold out, and is in Maya's hands. 1Pause
You are called the Lord and Master, the Guru of the World.
I am called a lustful being of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. 1
The five vices have corrupted my mind.
Moment by moment, they lead me further away from the Lord. 2

naathh kashhooa n jaano
man m
aaeiaa kai haathh bikaano 1 rehaao
um keheeath ha jagath gur suaamee
ham keh
eeath kalijug kae kaamee 1
in pa(n)chan maero man j bigaariou
pal pal har j
ee thae a(n)thar paariou 2

nwQ kCUA n jwnau ]
mnu mwieAw kY hwiQ ibkwnau ]1] rhwau ]
qum khIAq hO jgq gur suAwmI ]
hm khIAq kiljug ky kwmI ]1]
ien pMcn myro mnu ju ibgwirE ]
plu plu hir jI qy AMqru pwirE ]2]

This Shabad is by Bhagat Ravi Daas Ji in Raag Jaithsree on Pannaa 710

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gurmukh: his duties

Come and join together, O my Siblings of Destiny; dispel your sense of duality and let yourselves be lovingly absorbed in the Lord.
Let yourselves be joined to the Name of the Lord; become Gurmukh, spread out your mat, and sit down. 1
In this way, throw the dice, O brothers.
As Gurmukh, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, day and night. At the very last moment, you shall not have to suffer in pain. 1Pause
Let righteous actions be your gameboard, and let the truth be your dice.
Conquer sexual desire, anger, greed and worldly attachment
; only such a game as this is dear to the Lord. 2
Rise in the early hours of the morning, and take your cleansing bath. Before you go to bed at night, remember to worship the Lord.
My True Guru will assist you, even on your most difficult moves; you shall reach your true home in celestial peace and poise. 3
The Lord Himself plays, and He Himself watches; the Lord Himself created the creation.
O servant Nanak, that person who plays this game as Gurmukh, wins the game of life, and returns to his true home. 4119

oe eikathr milahu maerae bhaaee dhubidhhaa dhoor karahu liv laae
har n
aamai kae hovahu jorree guramukh baisahu safaa vishhaae 1
inh bidhh paasaa dtaalahu beer
uramukh naam japahu dhin raathee a(n)th kaal neh laagai peer 1 rehaao
karam dhharam th
umh chouparr saajahu sath karahu thumh saaree
aam krodhh lobh mohu jeethahu aisee khael har piaaree 2
ut(h) eisanaan karahu parabhaathae soeae har aaraadhhae
ikharrae dhaao la(n)ghaavai maeraa sathigur sukh sehaj saethee ghar jaathae 3
aapae khaelai aapae dhaekhai har aapae rachan rachaaeiaa
jan n
aanak guramukh jo nar khaelai so jin baajee ghar aaeiaa 4119

hoie iekqR imlhu myry BweI duibDw dUir krhu ilv lwie ]
hir nwmY ky hovhu joVI gurmuiK bYshu sPw ivCwie ]1]
ien@ ibiD pwsw Fwlhu bIr ]
gurmuiK nwmu jphu idnu rwqI AMq kwil nh lwgY pIr ]1] rhwau ]
krm Drm qum@ caupiV swjhu squ krhu qum@ swrI ]
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu jIqhu AYsI Kyl hir ipAwrI ]2]
auiT iesnwnu krhu prBwqy soey hir AwrwDy ]
ibKVy dwau lµGwvY myrw siqguru suK shj syqI Gir jwqy ]3]
hir Awpy KylY Awpy dyKY hir Awpy rcnu rcwieAw ]
jn nwnk gurmuiK jo nru KylY so ijix bwjI Gir AwieAw ]4]1]19]

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Basant on Pannaa 1185

Material wealth

Salok, Third Mehla:
The love of Maya is enticing; without teeth,

it has eaten up the world.
The self-willed manmukhs are eaten away,

while the Gurmukhs are saved;

they focus their consciousness on the True Name.
Without the Name,

the world wanders around insane;

the Gurmukhs come to see this.
Involved in worldly affairs, he wastes his life in vain;

the peace-giving Lord does not come to abide in his mind.
O Nanak, they alone obtain the Name,

who have such pre-ordained destiny. 1

salok ma 3
maaeiaa mamathaa mohanee jin vin dha(n)thaa jag khaaeiaa
manamukh khaadhhae guramukh oubarae jinee sach naam chith laaeiaa
bin naavai jag kamalaa firai guramukh nadharee aaeiaa
dhha(n)dhhaa karathiaa nihafal janam gavaaeiaa sukhadhaathaa man n vasaaeiaa
naanak naam thinaa ko miliaa jin ko dhhur likh paaeiaa 1

sloku mÚ 3 ]
mwieAw mmqw mohxI ijin ivxu dMqw jgu KwieAw ]
mnmuK KwDy gurmuiK aubry ijnI sic nwim icqu lwieAw ]
ibnu nwvY jgu kmlw iPrY gurmuiK ndrI AwieAw ]
DMDw kriqAw inhPlu jnmu gvwieAw suKdwqw min n vswieAw ]
nwnk nwmu iqnw kau imilAw ijn kau Duir iliK pwieAw ]1]

This Shabad is by Guru Amar Daas Ji in Raag Sorath on Pannaa 643

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

True Wealth

The ignorant fools amass false wealth.
The blind, foolish, self-willed manmukhs have gone astray.
Poisonous wealth brings constant pain.
It will not go with you, and it will not yield any profit. 1
True wealth is obtained through the Guru's Teachings.
False wealth continues coming and going. Pause

kaachaa dhhan sa(n)chehi moorakh gaavaar
ukh bhoolae a(n)dhh gaavaar
ikhiaa kai dhhan sadhaa dhukh hoe
aa saathh jaae n paraapath hoe 1
aachaa dhhan guramathee paaeae
aachaa dhhan fun aavai jaaeae rehaao

kwcw Dnu sMcih mUrK gwvwr ]
mnmuK BUly AMD gwvwr ]
ibiKAw kY Din sdw duKu hoie ]
nw swiQ jwie n prwpiq hoie ]1]
swcw Dnu gurmqI pwey ]
kwcw Dnu Puin AwvY jwey ] rhwau ]

This Shabad is by Guru Amar Daas Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 665

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My lord is my everything

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
O Love, who else but You could do such a thing?
O Patron of the poor, Lord of the World, You have put the canopy of Your Grace over my head. 1Pause
Only You can grant Mercy to that person whose touch pollutes the world.
You exalt and elevate the lowly, O my Lord of the Universe; You are not afraid of anyone. 1
Naam Dayv, Kabeer, Trilochan, Sadhana and Sain crossed over.
Says Ravi Daas, listen, O Saints, through the Dear Lord, all is accomplished. 21

Raag Maaroo, The Word Of Ravi Daas Jee:

ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh
aisee laal thujh bin koun karai
eeb nivaaj guseeaa maeraa maathhai shhathra dhharai 1 rehaao
aa kee shhoth jagath ko laagai thaa par thuha(n)aee dtarai
eecheh ooch karai maeraa gobi(n)dh kaahoo thae n ddarai 1
aamadhaev kabeer thilochan sadhhanaa sain tharai
i ravidhaas sunahu rae sa(n)thahu har jeeo thae sabhai sarai 21

raag maaroo baanee ravidhaas jeeo kee

<> siqgur pRswid ]
AYsI lwl quJ ibnu kaunu krY ]
grIb invwju guseIAw myrw mwQY CqRü DrY ]1] rhwau ]
jw kI Coiq jgq kau lwgY qw pr quhNØI FrY ]
nIch aUc krY myrw goibMdu kwhU qy n frY ]1]
nwmdyv kbIru iqlocnu sDnw sYnu qrY ]
kih rivdwsu sunhu ry sMqhu hir jIau qy sBY srY ]2]1]

rwgu mwrU bwxI rivdws jIau kI

This Shabad is by Bhagat Ravi Daas Ji in Raag Maaroo on Pannaa 1106

Khalsa Ji, Welcome

Khalsa Ji, Welcome