Sukhmani Sahib
Summary of the message
Below is a summary the message of the 24 Astpadis in the Sukhmani Sahib.
Astpadi 1: sums up the benefits of contemplation and meditation.
Astpadi 2 :tells us that "practising holiness" reduces man's propensity to sin.
Astpadi 3: the Guru states that any study of holy texts, the performance of austerities. etc cannot compare with reading or listening to the Sacred Word.
Astpadi 4 :stresses the need for good behaviour.
Astpadi 5: we learn to thank God for all his various gifts and treasures which He gives us.
Astpadi 6 :examples God's gifts to man: a healthy body, delicacies to eat, silks and jewels to wear and pleasant music to hear.
Astpadi 7:dwells on the attributes of the saints.
Astpadi 8 :Similarly to 7, an appreciation of the God-oriented man- the Brahm-giani -is found here.
Astpadi 9 : Guru Arjan defines the various types of holy persons like the Pandit, Vaishnav, Bhagwati, etc
Astpadi 10 : This deals with the various types of people and substances, both good and bad.
Astpadi 11: The Guru tells us that the meek and the humble win God's love, while the haughty and the vain find no peace or joy.
Astpadi 12 : dwells on the lot of the boastful and the arrogant.
Astpadi 13 : tells us of the need to associate with saintly people and of avoiding their slander.
Astpadi 14 : points out that mortals, by their very nature, are fickle and way-ward; so no reliance can be placed on them.
Astpadi 15 : just as darkness is dispelled by light, and wilderness is illuminated by lightning, the Guru's instruction opens up the mind.
Astpadi 16 : the Guru refers to God as the Director, Playwright and Actor in His own plays.
Astpadi 17: the Guru emphasizes the qualities of a true servant of God, namely obedience and humility.
Astpadi 18 : stresses the characteristics of a Seeker of Truth.
Astpadi 19 : Guru Arjan warns of the distractions of life. Why waste one's life amassing wealth?
Astpadi 20 : deals with the need of efforts for spiritual progress.
Astpadi 21 : the Guru tells of the pre-creation state. Before creation, there was a great void.
Astpadi 22 : there is a short list of God's attributes. He is the fountain of generosity and goodness.
Astpadi 23 : tells us of the omnipotence of God. He created the fabric of the universe; He controls the stellar bodies.
Astpadi 24 : the benefits of the Sukhmani are expounded. The true devotee will be rewarded with health, culture, wisdom, peace, etc.
suKmnI dI Bwv-lVI
(1) Akwl-purK dy nwm dw ismrn hor swry Dwrimk kMmW nwloN sRySt hY [ (AstpdIAW nµ: 1, 2, 3) [
(2) mwieAw ivc Psy jIv auqy r`b vloN hI myhr hovy qW hI ies ƒ nwm dI dwiq imldI hY; ikauNik mwieAw dy keI kOqk ies ƒ moNhdy rihMdy hn [ (A: 4, 5, 6) [
(3) jdoN pRBU dI myhr huMdI hY qW mnu`K gurmuKW dI sMgiq ivc rih ky 'nwm' dI brkiq hwsl krdw hY [ auh gurmuK au~cI krxI vwly huMdy hn, auhnW ƒ swDU kho, cwhy bRhm igAwnI, cwhy koeI hor nwm r`K lvo, pr auhnW dI Awqmw sdw prmwqmw dy nwl iek-rUp hY [ (A: 7, 8, 9) [
(4) aus Akwl purK dI ausqiq jgq dy swry hI jIv kr rhy hn, auh hr QW ivAwpk hY, hryk jIv ƒ aus pwsoN s`iqAw imldI hY [ (A: 10, 11) [
(5) pRBU dI is&iq-swlwh krn vwly vfBwgI ny Awpxy jIvn ivc hor BI i^Awl r`Kxw hY ik (a) suBwau grIbI vwlw rhy, (A: 12); (A) inMidAw krn qoN bicAw rhy, (A: 13); (e) iek Akwl-purK qy tyk r`Ky, hryk jIv dIAW loVW jwxn qy pUrn krn vwlw iek pRBU hI hY [ (A: 14, 15) [
(6) auh Akwl purK kYsw hY? sB ivc v`sdw hoieAw BI mwieAw qoN inrlyp hY (A: 16) [ sdw kwiem rihx vwlw hY (A: 17) [ siqgurU dI srx ipAW aus pRBU dw prkwS ihrdy ivc huMdw hY (A: 18) [
(7) pRBU dw nwm hI iek AYsw Dn hY jo sdw mnu`K dy nwl inBdw hY (A: 19); pRBU dy dr auqy ArjoeI kIiqAW ies Dn dI pRwpqI huMdI hY (A: 20) [
(8) inrgux-rUp pRBU ny Awp hI jgq-rUp Awpxw srgux srUp bxwieAw hY qy hr QW auh Awp hI ivAwpk hY, koeI hor nhIN (A: 21, 22) [ jdoN mnu`K ƒ siqgurU dw igAwn-rUp surmw imldw hY, qdoN hI ies dy mn ivc ieh cwnx huMdw hY ik pRBU hr QW hY (A: 23) [
(9) pRBU swry guxW dw ^zwnw hY, aus dw nwm ismirAW byAMq gux hwsl ho jWdy hn, ies vwsqy 'nwm' suKW dI mxI (suKmnI) hY [