Saturday, August 23, 2008

What is there for me to fear? Your Name is my only strength.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 382

Aasaa, Fifth Mehla:
Since You are my Lord and Master,
what is there for me to fear?
Other than You, who else should I praise?
You are the One and only,

and so do all things exist;
without You, there is nothing at all for me. 1
O Father, I have seen that the world is poison.
Save me, O Lord of the Universe!

Your Name is my only Support. 1Pause
You know completely the condition of my mind;

who else could I go to tell of it?
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord,

the whole world has gone crazy;
obtaining the Naam, it finds peace. 2
What shall I say?

Unto whom shall I speak?
What I have to say, I say to God.
Everything which exists was created by You.

You are my hope, forever and ever. 3
If you bestow greatness,

then it is Your greatness;
here and hereafter, I meditate on You.
The Lord God of Nanak is forever the Giver of peace;

Your Name is my only strength. 4i7i46.
Awsw mhlw 5 ]
jw qUM swihbu qw Bau kyhw hau quDu ibnu iksu swlwhI ]
eyku qUM qw sBu ikCu hY mY quDu ibnu dUjw nwhI ]1]
bwbw ibKu dyiKAw sMswru ]
riKAw krhu gusweI myry mY nwmu qyrw AwDwru ]1] rhwau ]
jwxih ibrQw sBw mn kI horu iksu pih AwiK suxweIAY ]
ivxu nwvY sBu jgu baurwieAw nwmu imlY suKu pweIAY ]2]
ikAw khIAY iksu AwiK suxweIAY ij khxw su pRB jI pwis ]
sBu ikCu kIqw qyrw vrqY sdw sdw qyrI Aws ]3]
jy dyih vifAweI qw qyrI vifAweI ieq auq quJih iDAwau ]
nwnk ky pRB sdw suKdwqy mY qwxu qyrw ieku nwau ]4]7]46]

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Khalsa Ji, Welcome

Khalsa Ji, Welcome