Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who is our friend in this world?

Jaitsree, Fifth Mehla, Third House:
One Universal Creator God.

By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Does anyone know,

who is our friend in this world?

He alone understands this,

whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy.

Immaculate and unstained is his way of life. 1Pause

Mother, father,

spouse, children,

relatives, lovers,

friends and siblings meet,

having been associated in previous lives;

but none of them will be your companion

and support in the end. 1

Pearl necklaces, gold,

rubies and diamonds please the mind,

but they are only Maya.
Possessing them,

one passes his life in agony;

he obtains no contentment from them. 2

Elephants, chariots,

horses as fast as the wind,

wealth, land, and armies of four kinds
- none of these will go with him;

he must get up and depart, naked. 3

The Lord's Saints are the

beloved lovers of God;

sing of the Lord, Har, Har, with them.
O Nanak, in the Society of the Saints,

you shall obtain peace in this world,

and in the next world,

your face shall be radiant and bright. 41

jYqsrI mhlw 5 Gru 3
<> siqgur pRswid ]
koeI jwnY kvnu eIhw jig mIqu ]
ijsu hoie ik®pwlu soeI ibiD bUJY qw kI inrml rIiq ]1] rhwau ]
mwq ipqw binqw suq bMDp iest mIq Aru BweI ] pUrb jnm ky imly sMjogI AMqih ko n shweI ]1]
mukiq mwl kink lwl hIrw mn rMjn kI mwieAw ]
hw hw krq ibhwnI AvDih qw mih sMqoKu n pwieAw ]2]
hsiq rQ AsÍ pvn qyj DxI BUmn cqurWgw ]
sMig n cwilE ien mih kCUAY aUiT isDwieE nWgw ]3]
hir ky sMq ipRA pRIqm pRB ky qw kY hir hir gweIAY ]
nwnk eIhw suKu AwgY muK aUjl sMig sMqn kY pweIAY ]4]1]

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Jaithsree on Pannaa 700

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Khalsa Ji, Welcome

Khalsa Ji, Welcome